The biology of learning for the enchantment of self-discovery
Self-taught laboratory
Would you like to live the transformation of closely accompanying your children's learning while respecting the different stages of their personal development in order to be present in an experiential and playful way, together open to the surprise of self-discovery?
Who are we?

Hi, I'm Esperanza Chacón!
I began the path of self-education when I was looking for an educational space for my little daughter and I found my place in the Pestalozzi Experimental Center, lovingly called El Pesta, and together with a wonderful group of people we formed a pedagogical team that maintained the essence of the theoretical and practical foundations of NON-DIRECTIVE EDUCATION for 35 years, an approach that has been known in several countries. To continue sharing this seed together with Rebeca Wild, Mauricio Wild and Edgar Espinosa we designed the theoretical-practical training offer: Activating a Paradigm of Life (Ecuador 2009-2014), an event that was disseminated nationally and internationally to great acclaim. Additionally, I co-created an intentional community in Ecuador whose main axes are a system of complementary economy with the use of alternative money, preventive health and family and community education. In 2016 together with a group of parents of an ecovillage - Lev-partners I co-founded Casa Sulà an alternative educational center in Costa Rica.

Hello, my name is Edgar Espinosa!
I have published the Manual de Matemáticas en el contexto de capacitación para maestros indígenas bilingües (CEDIME, Ecuador, 1993), I co-authored the book "El Encanto del Autodescubrimiento" (The Enchantment of Self-Discovery). I have designed the workshop 1 - The awakening of operability (Udemy-2021), a tool that allows adults who educate in family to practice mathematics with understanding; once the experience is internalized, they accompany their sons and daughters, in this circumstance there will be fluidity in the relationship between parents and children. From 2002 to 2014 I coordinated in 11 provinces of Ecuador the Centers for Autonomous Activities known as CEPAS where families are empowered in the education of their sons and daughters with community support.
we invite you to
To acquire practical and conceptual tools with the purpose of transmitting integral cognitive, emotional and social experiences to children and adults.
Evidencing the alchemy between play and learning by using concrete referents that correspond to the need to feel and operate with objects.
The training offers are structured in modules and are sequenced in their content.
upcoming workshops
“Looking for alternative education that fosters holistic development? Discover our Non-Directive Education training for families and learning communities!”