What do we do?

Theoretical-practical training workshops, through face-to-face and/or online meetings.
We carry out family consultancies with parents who have decided to empower themselves in the education of their children through “Educate as a family”, thus assuming a high educational responsibility and a serious social commitment. It consists of an exclusive follow-up that we carry out on a regular basis.
Implementation of prepared-and-relaxed environments. The project profile with its development phases, schedule, budget and bill of materials is delivered.
Workshops for the development of operational teaching materials and practices as a complement to the theoretical aspects. This offer is made by approaching the family environment or learning communities.
Achieve emotional and social stability by not letting the traditional education system dictate the pace of your family life.
Enjoy learning tools and resources to create an environment where children learn with joy, keep their curiosity alive, explore the environment and nurture enriching experiences that allow their integral maturation.
Activate your potential, especially “learning to learn” and self-knowledge.
The adult is a referent, who contributes or inhibits the unfolding of the innate qualities and potentialities of the human organism in the different stages of its development.